Decoration is one of the important part to celebrate the christmas party. If you love decoration then christmas is one of the better occasion. There are so many ways to decorate your home at christmas occasion. Decorate your home with colourful ornaments, balloons, diys and candles. When we decorate the garden with candles, diys and pots, atmosphere of the garden is then turned on and seeing it all would feel comfertable.
A decorated candle is a best gift for your friends. candle is decorated with colours, ribbons, flowers and glitters. It is not an expensive but an attracitve technique to decorate your home. Use some simple tips to decorate your home with candles.
Decorate candle with painting: Decorate your candle with painting is one of the creative idea. Select a thicker candle, draw a freehand pattern with a toothpick on it. You can also draw any wording or shape. Fill this design with glitter and different colours. If you want to burn this cancle, then make a design in the base of candle. If not, draw design anywhere. For your lover, select a taper candle and decorate it with flower and heart stamps. After complete the painting, leave your candle in a safe place for dry. When this candle is burning, it add a romantic glow in your room.
Decorate candle with ribbons: Candle decoration using ribbons is simple but effective idea. Christmas is a time for fun. Select a plain white pillar candle and colourful ribbon with lacy design when you decorate your candle using ribbons. These candles are used only for decoration, You would not be able to burn it.Wrap the ribbon arround the candle as tight as possible.It is easy to decorate and no complicated process is applied.
Crystal strands and Glass candle: If you want to make your decoration more attractive, Use crystal strand and crystal prism. After decorating the candle, set it to on crystal strand. But this is an expensive idea. To make your decoration inexpensive and creative, design glass candle. Take a transformed empty glass. Wrap a transparent design paper on it. The candles light give you releaf and quite when you’re tired. Burning candle does not provide too much light, but on the festival of Christmas decor looks very fluently.
Decorate candle with beads: There are several ways to decorate your candle using beads. Choose a candle and draw a freehand outline design with paint brush on it. Take some holiday colour beads and attach it into the pattern of candle with glue gun. You can also decorate it by covering the entire surface with plastic and wooden beads. To decorate your candle in light weight, use plastic beads and give warm look to your candle, use Wooden beads.
Decorate candle with wax paper and pictures: Buy a candle and wrap it with tissue paper. Cut the wax papers and pictures accordind to the size of candle. Paste this pictures on the tissue paper with glue gun. Candle decoration using pictures and wax papers make a lovely gift for your lover.